Thursday, January 24, 2008

Still standing

Despite Anne's clever post - and my Wife's arguments - the fact is that I am still VEGAN!

Yes, it was a stupid mistake to buy HONEY tea. I stopped myself from drinking it immediately after i realized it contained honey. Why else would I bring a FULL bottle back to the office?

This is reaching a boiling point - the stupid honey is not allowed in a vegan diet is so stupid in of itself, what is the reason? They process of gathering and creating honey doesn't hurt any animals, it actually helps the environment. Besides, honey is delicious.

Very frustrating.

Sorry, boss

You know, I actually have to challenge today's "vegan" lunch (that I am SURE Andy will post). My challenge, although I wasn't there to see what he had for lunch, I did see what he bought to drink.

My question is: Was it an honest mistake to buy this tea....and not know that it had honey in it?!

Almost a week without meat

Still hanging in there. Today I had the best vegan meal so far: Laura braught in a home made french onion soup. Yuuuuummmy. Even had soy melted cheese on top.

As an aside, here is my weight for the last five days

day 1: 182
day 2: 180
day 3: 179
day 4: 181
day 5: 179

HOpefully a downward trend and a little bit of weight loss on this vegan diet. No matter, i keep on thinking of meat. Today, I started thinking of what my first meat meal will be after this bet is over.

Final thought - i saw a "Go Vegan" bumber sticker on the way home. It made me smile.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day Five People!

Ok People - today is day five!

Non Vegan foods I miss the most:
- meat
- cheese
- honey
- cream in my coffee

Here is my (i am sure uninteresting) food log for yesterday:

- almonds (this sucks as same breakfast three days in a row)
- coffee with Soy Milk (Soy milk is a very poor substitute for milk in coffee)

- Dinner leftovers of pasta

- Super treat: Lentils with carrots and peas in a curry sauce out of a crock pot (delicious, i suppose I should post the recepie)

Cleaning out non Vegan Food

I am lucky to have a "support group" in the office which in the beginning of my vegan "sacrifice" had helped me out clean out all meat products in my desk:

- illegal biltong smuggled from South Africa
- Chocolate bar with bacon bits
- Harvest bars which contained honey - more on honey later.

Thanks Anne:

anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:02:52 PM): so, Andy, what were you doing at Whole Foods so early?
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:03:00 PM): buying meat?
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:03:05 PM): drinking beer?
Andrew Kucharski (1/22/2008 12:03:29 PM): let me tell u, it wasnt easy... i instinctivly started going for the czeese
Andrew Kucharski (1/22/2008 12:03:45 PM): luckily i held back... good thing i have free will
Andrew Kucharski (1/22/2008 12:03:49 PM):
Andrew Kucharski (1/22/2008 12:03:54 PM): ... i was buying coffee
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:04:16 PM): so, today is day 5! great job, boss!
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:04:36 PM): (i owe Max a $1)
Andrew Kucharski (1/22/2008 12:04:46 PM):
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:06:48 PM): i LOVE this!
anne.bustamante (1/22/2008 12:07:38 PM): surprised that you didnt mention the desk raid first thing in the morning....and the confiscated dried meat and luna bars. tsk tsk, you make it sound sooooo easy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First three days of veganizm

I am precisely three days into being a Vegan. As far as I know I have so far not broken any vegan rules (actually, is there a vegan bylaw?).

I am lucky to have a very supportive crowd. My colleague Laura is the best vegan resource and seems to be a big fan so far. My wife is constantly pointing out things I cant eat - I will win that bed, regardless of how many meals she ruins for me.

So here is where we stand on meals so far:

Vegan funnel cake - Laura broght to office, great start - so far its EASY!

Falafel sandwich - I freaked out a bit because I thought tahini was sour cream but now I know better. EASY!

Hummus plate at a bar - this was a bit tough as I was meeting some friends for drinks and the only vegan option was this. All in all not a bad first day.

Almonds - not great

Bean Burger at News Cafe with fries - FRIES!!! What a savior!

Pizza - this was tough, we had to go through a while substitution routine. The waitress was great though and very supportive. Luckily this was a shi-shi pizza place - Crust.

Flex Bar at Starbucks (Mara is challanging this - Note to self, need to check the ingredients to make sure its vegan, at the time I assumed all bread is vegan).

Potato Chips - this kind of sucked

Home made tomato basil sauce with pasta and Swiss Curd - very good!


So far I dont think I have broken any laws. My allowance in the bet is that I have to knowingly stay vegan, accidents will not count against me - based on the honor system.

I have some surprises (more on that later) and I certainly have been reading the labels a lot more carefully.

Going Vegan for a Month

I have been leading a perfectly happy meat loving life up to three days ago. There was nothing wrong with me, I finished a 50 mile run under 11 hours two months ago, I was on vacation two weeks ago and I feel great.

I love meat, cheese and eggs. Ohh, and honey, I love honey. I also like veggies, but a nice juicy slab of some red meat once in a while is fantastic. I love to barbeque, I love a medium rare (on the rare side) fillet mignon... I could go on and on.

I grew up in a very carnivorous household. I was brought up eating open faced ham sandwiches with generous slather of butter underneath. My wife, my family and most of my friends are carnivores.

Then, while sitting in the beautiful Mont Rochel vinyard, while sipping red wine and biting down on some prosciutto I asked my wife if she thought I could last as a vegetarian. She laughed at me. I bated her to raise the stakes by throwing in "being vegan for a month"! Now there was a challenge!

I took the bet and the adventure started three days ago - on the 17th. I had so underestimated this cult of veganizm that the entire adventure is become extremly interesting. Last night at dinner a friend suggested I blog my trials and tribulations. I have taken her up on this I hope that it will last longer than a week (I will not be taking any more challanges on).