Monday, February 4, 2008

Super vegan Chilli for Super Bowl!

Another tough weekend for an ex meat lover turning vegan. After years of loving, making and eating chilly on superbowl weekend I was faced with a prospect of experiencing the day without sampling the seasonal favorite. To make things worse, my brother has been hosting the "Slavek annual Chili cook off" contest.

My luck turned when I got to the party and realized that Kathleen Cimbala, slavek's girlfriend - and also a fellow vegan - prepared a special Vegan Chili!

It was AMAZINGLY good! With six chili's on the stove and crock pots, some meat lovers were not even tasting it. However after encouraging them to taste it they were amazed how good it was. I myself found it to be delicious. It had just enough spice, and the meat substitute was so good, the meat lovers were unable to distinguish the tofu flavor texture from real meat!

Thanks Kathleen! Vegan chili cookers of the world unite (and send me your recipes ).

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